Since 1887.

Tradition and Innovation

For over a century, BETH® has been a pioneer in innovation. Founded in 1887 by engineer W.F.L. Beth from Lubeck, the company made history with the invention of the world’s first bag filter. This groundbreaking invention was patented on January 26, 1886, as number #38396 by the »Kaiserliche Patentamt«.


Founded in 1887 by visionary engineer W.F.L. Beth (Wikipedia) from Lubeck, our company revolutionized the industry with the invention of the world’s first bag filter. This innovative breakthrough was officially patented on January 26, 1886, under patent number #38396 by the »Kaiserliche Patentamt«.


The initial series of baghouses were constructed from wood and equipped with a mechanical rapping system.

BETH Baghouse in museum

BETH® baghouses were started constructed from metal to ensure broader applicability and durability.

First baghouses made of metal

The BETH® bag filter quickly expanded its reach to various industrial sectors. Throughout the 20th century, the BETH® machine factory evolved into a global leader in industrial dedusting solutions.

BETH Factory 1914
From the 1920s

Reducing and capturing dust emissions transformed industrial production, making it more economically efficient, environmentally friendly, and humane. Before long, the term »BETH® Filter« became synonymous for dedusting itself.


BETH® expanded its product range to include both wet and dry electrostatic precipitators.


Miniaturization research project of ESPs completed

BETH® Mini-ESPs were introduced, expertly designed to meet the needs of smaller boilers with a thermal output of up to 1 MW. These compact units are perfect for installation in tight spaces, such as basements, making them an ideal solution for small-scale operations without compromising on performance.


In 2007, BETH® transitioned to 3D design, revolutionizing our approach to construction. Today, we also leverage 3D technology in project planning, allowing customers to visualize their future plant with stunning realism, even in the early stages of proposals and planning.


BETH® has joined forces with R&R-Technik, forming the newly unified entity, R&R-BETH®.

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